Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 2 - Philosophy & Ethics

What a great discussion! Thanks for everyone's input. Here's the outline of yesterday's topic (from

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Lesson 2 - Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?

  1. Introduction – Have you been taken captive? - 2 Timothy 2:24-26

    1. Scriptural warning against hollow and deceptive philosophy – Colossians 2:8

    2. Carl Sagan’s Worldview – "The Cosmos is all there is, or ever was, or will be"

    3. Assumptive language – A powerful and dangerous form of knowledge

    4. Cosmic Cube – Illustrates the naturalistic worldview belief that there is nothing outside the cosmos; reality is a closed box and all truth must be materially perceived

    5. Biblical presuppositions – God is and He has revealed himself to us (general revelation through our world and specific revelation through His word)

    6. God’s Nature - Transcendent and immanent – He is above and works within the box

  2. Philosophy – What is it?

    1. Webster 1828 definition vs Current definition – God has been removed from the discipline of philosophy in today's culture

    2. Philosophical Questions – What is existence? What is the meaning and purpose of life?

    3. Universal and Particulars – Aristotle and Plato's philosophical dilemma – How do we arrive at Truth? How do we make sense of the unity and diversity of our world?

  3. Postmodernism – Can you live it?

    1. What is Right? What is wrong? - Ethical implications of postmodernism – There is no basis for ethical standards or ethical language in a naturalistic worldview

    2. Plato's Question – "Is an act right because God said it, or did God know it was right and told us about it?" – His laws are an expression of His nature

    3. Naturalistic philosophy implications – Darwin's views in non-assumptive language

    4. Statistical Ethics – Our culture determines ethics through normalcy and survey data

  4. Worldview – Formal worldview vs personal worldview

    1. Lack of a personal, biblical worldview in America – We fail to see Christianity as a worldview that governs every area of life

    2. Our worldview drives how we think, act, and feel – What we really believe

    3. Consequences of a non-biblical worldview: We buy the lies and conform to the world

  5. Conclusion and Solution – Renewing of the Mind – MetamorphooRomans 12:2
    "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."


  1. Thanks again for the great discussion Sunday night I really enjoyed it.

    I have a question that just keep lingering on my heart. It started Sunday night during the video. The question I keep hearing is, "So What?" So "what" do we do with all this "truth"? When is this all over and we have had great discussion and have been filled with the knowledge of Truth--then what? Are we to feel good that we now "know" the truth? Is that enough? Will we live our lives any differently?

    I don't have any answers just lingering questions. I trust God will reveal the answers as go forward. Blessings!

  2. Great question Brad. So what about anyone else? What do we hope to gain from this series besides a deeper knowledge of the Truth?

    I know for me, I have to back up a little. I've felt very convicted that although I do read the Word and pray everyday (or nearly), it tends to be more where I can "fit it in" rather than fitting my life around the Word. Then, of course, I have to ask the question "why is that?" Is it because I don't find the Word relevant enough to schedule my life around it rather than the other way around? Ouch. Or maybe I'm just too short-sighted and can't (or won't) see that God may have something in His Word for me today whose benefits are just as tangible as taking out the trash or stopping for gas on my way to work. I think I tend to search for "the nugget" as I read the Word and then file it away as something that could be useful someday, rather than asking God to make His Word come alive today, and to open my eyes to see it.

    So for me, I don't see an action plan coming out of this (at least not yet) -- but, more of a major attitude change. But, just like I don't want my kids to just tell me "I'll do better Dad", I want this to come from within -- not like a magic bullet, but something that's sustainable. In the past, major changes like this have always come from disgust. I lost 20 lbs last year because I was finally fed up with the weight I had gained over the previous 10 years. Take anything -- job changes, school -- they all happened because I finally decided enough is enough.

    So, I'm praying that through this God will take away my tolerance for mediocrity in my walk with Him.
