Friday, January 23, 2009

Update on Kris

Hi Friends,

As you know, we have been battling multiple skin cancers over the last few years.
They have become more complicated and frequent.

A week ago Kris had some lumps/skin cancers removed. Our doctor called us and asked
us to come back for further testing. We got results yesterday from a PET scan and the results show
that the cancer has moved internally to the lymph nodes.

Please pray for discernment and wisdom for the many decisions we need to make.
Also, please pray for David and Kyleigh.

Bruce and Kris

Week 3 - Anthropology | Who is Man?

Here's the outline from this week's topic (from

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Lesson 3 – Anthropology: Who is man?

  1. Introduction – The Problem of Evil and Who is man?

    1. Primary Doctrine – Who is Man? Who is God? - The answers to these two questions form the foundation of everyone's worldview

    2. The cosmic battle within – Galatians 5:16-17 – Our sinful nature is in constant conflict with God's Spirit – Romans 7:15-25, Romans 6:12, Romans 8:5-14

  2. Man's Essence

    1. States of man

      1. Innocent – Genesis 1:27

      2. Fallen – Romans 5:12, Genesis 6:5

        1. Hell – Revelation 20:15, Hebrews 9:27

      3. Redeemed – Revelation 5:9

        1. Glorified – 1 Corinthians 15:42

    2. Dualistic or Monistic – Both flesh and spirit or purely material?

    3. Naturalistic Philosophy Implications – no gods or purposive forces, no foundation for ethics, no free will, no life after death, no meaning in life

  3. Man's moral state and Man's needs

    1. Abraham Maslow – Hierarchy of Needs – man's ultimate objective is self-actualization – The Pernicious lie – getting in touch with your inner nature

    2. Basically good or sinful? – Depravity of man – Man's propensity for evil

    3. Carl Rogers - "I do not find that evil is inherent in human nature."

    4. Scriptural Truth – Put to death your earthly nature – Romans 8:13, Colossians 3:5-10

  4. If evil is not inherent in man, then where does evil come from?

    1. Abraham Maslow - "Sick people are made by a sick culture ..."

    2. Carl Rogers – "... experience leads me to believe that it is cultural influences which are the major factor in our evil behaviors."

    3. Social institutions and authority structures are blamed for man's evil actions – provides basis for understanding the battleground over social institutions today

  5. Why should "evil" bother someone with a secular worldview? – the question of evil is more difficult for them than us

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 2 - Philosophy & Ethics

What a great discussion! Thanks for everyone's input. Here's the outline of yesterday's topic (from

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Lesson 2 - Philosophy & Ethics: Says Who?

  1. Introduction – Have you been taken captive? - 2 Timothy 2:24-26

    1. Scriptural warning against hollow and deceptive philosophy – Colossians 2:8

    2. Carl Sagan’s Worldview – "The Cosmos is all there is, or ever was, or will be"

    3. Assumptive language – A powerful and dangerous form of knowledge

    4. Cosmic Cube – Illustrates the naturalistic worldview belief that there is nothing outside the cosmos; reality is a closed box and all truth must be materially perceived

    5. Biblical presuppositions – God is and He has revealed himself to us (general revelation through our world and specific revelation through His word)

    6. God’s Nature - Transcendent and immanent – He is above and works within the box

  2. Philosophy – What is it?

    1. Webster 1828 definition vs Current definition – God has been removed from the discipline of philosophy in today's culture

    2. Philosophical Questions – What is existence? What is the meaning and purpose of life?

    3. Universal and Particulars – Aristotle and Plato's philosophical dilemma – How do we arrive at Truth? How do we make sense of the unity and diversity of our world?

  3. Postmodernism – Can you live it?

    1. What is Right? What is wrong? - Ethical implications of postmodernism – There is no basis for ethical standards or ethical language in a naturalistic worldview

    2. Plato's Question – "Is an act right because God said it, or did God know it was right and told us about it?" – His laws are an expression of His nature

    3. Naturalistic philosophy implications – Darwin's views in non-assumptive language

    4. Statistical Ethics – Our culture determines ethics through normalcy and survey data

  4. Worldview – Formal worldview vs personal worldview

    1. Lack of a personal, biblical worldview in America – We fail to see Christianity as a worldview that governs every area of life

    2. Our worldview drives how we think, act, and feel – What we really believe

    3. Consequences of a non-biblical worldview: We buy the lies and conform to the world

  5. Conclusion and Solution – Renewing of the Mind – MetamorphooRomans 12:2
    "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Timing and Format

Okay, below are the possiblities I've heard so far regarding the timing and format. Please add your comments.
  1. Continue as is - 13 weeks (end mid-May)
  2. Meet longer each Sunday night (start at 5 or 5:30 with soup) - 13 weeks
  3. Split video and discussion - 26 weeks (end Aug/Sept)
  4. Meet another day of the week for further discussion - 13 weeks

Please give me your opinion on which option suits you most. I really appreciate Brad's urging for us to truly make this "transformational". So, how do we do that and make it work with everyone's busy schedules?


Set the Captives Free

I've been thinking about the question - if we actually believed everything in the bible was absolutely true, how would that change how we act today and going forward?

I had a horrible day yesterday, primarily due to a couple confrontations I had with one of my customers. This person seems to take great pleasure in making me look foolish, especially with an audience. Regretably, I stewed over this all day and most of the night, angrily imagining ways I could get back at her. Of course, none of those scenarios will ever happen because she's my customer. I kept thinking though, what about what we learned the other night could change how I view her? Could I really see her as one "shackled" to a lie? Do I even want to consider her a victim of this sinful world, rather than just an evil person? Does she deserve any grace from me? Of course, we know the correct answer is yes -- if only out of gratitude for the eternal grace God has shown me. But, how? For now, I'll swallow my pride and begin to pray for her. We'll see what happens...

What about you? Are there people in your life that seem to take pleasure in your demise? What are the shackles that make them miserable? Is it possible to sincerely pray for these people?


Veritology: What is Truth?

From the Truth Project Website...

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Lesson 1 - Veritology: What is Truth?

  1. Introduction – A Worldview Tour

    1. Comprehensive – The worldview compass directs us to God's design in all areas of life

    2. Systematic – Temple structure explains the foundations and framework of course topics

    3. Purpose of tour – To gaze upon the face of God

  2. Why was Jesus Born? Why did He come into the World?

    1. To testify to the Truth – John 18:37

    2. Scriptural emphasis on Truth – Sanctification and salvation connection to Truth

    3. Man's sinful nature will suppress, distort, reject, and exchange God's truth for lies

  3. The Cosmic Battle – Spirit of Truth vs. Spirit of Falsehood – Reality vs. Illusion

    1. Scene in heaven between God and Satan - Job 1 & 2 - "Did God really say?"

    2. Link between salvation and truth - 2 Thessalonians 2 - "... God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the spirit and the belief in the truth."

    3. Two Fathers – John 8:44 – "You belong to your father, the devil"

    4. Connection between sin, lies and deceit – Every sin that besets us can be traced to a belief in a lie – Our sins take us captive to the lies of the world

    5. Dealing with outsiders - 2 Timothy 2 and Colossians 4:5-6 – They have been taken captive and we must "gently instruct them" and let our "speech be seasoned with salt"

    6. Battle of Worldviews – Opposition between God's truth claims and the lies of the world, the flesh, and the devil

  4. What is Truth? - Truth as it relates to Reality

    1. Webster's 1828 definition – "Conformity to fact or reality"

    2. Equating an idol to a lie - Isaiah 44 – Lies are powerful and lead us to insane notions

    3. What is Insanity? – We all suffer from "Common Insanity" - losing touch with reality

      1. Our actions reflect what we believe to be really real : Jesus' example in Matthew 6 asking "Why do you worry?...will He not care for you, O you of little faith?"

      2. Connecting faith with our actions and emotions: God is the object of our faith and our hope – Our actions are the most reliable indicator of our belief

    4. God is the ultimate source of Truth - Colossians 2:2-3

  5. Conclusion – "Do you really believe, that what you believe is really real?"


Okay, this is my first attempt at having multiple authors. We'll see how it goes...
Add comments to each post, or ask a new question/comment by creating a new post.

Let me know what you think. - Mark